The Boy Who Never Had Ice Cream

A Holistic Journey

Correct, he’s never had it. Even here, it’s pseudo cream – really just cold, sweetened coconut milk. But I can live with his record broken at six years, four months. Tennyson has never been given candy, chocolate, jelly beans. You get the picture. Sugar weakens the immune system and feeds pathogens. Food so cold not only shocks the stomach but dampens the body, making it a lovely greenhouse for microbes.

Here is something you don’t come across everyday. From Food is Your Best Medicine by Henry Bieler, M.D. who practiced in California and treated patients only with food:

“One of the common sources of the diffusible toxin is ice cream – which is a highly putrefactive protein mixture, whether it be the best “homemade” or the crude commercial type, rich in emulsifiers….The freezing process gives to the cream its last and finishing touch of physiological corruption. Quickly fermenting substances like…

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HOLISTICPEDIA  FOOD: Nourishment. Sustenance. Power. Medicine. Pleasure.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1.9

I almost feel shy.  How long has food been around?  The dozen years I’ve been studying holistic nutrition are swallowed up by timeworn wisdom.  Of grandmothers who labored in love in the garden and kitchen before we let machines mass-assemble our meals, of indigenous cultures that have known what foods serve their makeup, of the friends and teachers in the vanguard of my journey who have taught me so much.  Meaning, nothing I say is new and neither is any recipe out there.  But I’ve learned much since my nutritionally unconscious days; there must be a place for what my kitchen offers…[continued]